Do your clothes, curtains and duvet covers smell of cooking? Not with our Amica cooking hoods! Our hoods are equipped with modern and highly efficient ventilation fans which completely eliminate cooking smells. Make your kitchen work convenient!
Kdo pravi, da se morate dotikati nape, da bi upravljali z njo? Z dlanjo pred napo naredite določen gib in ta se bo zagnala sama! Ali želite spremeniti moč ventilatorja ali izklopiti osvetlitev? Naredite primeren gib! Z napo Amica upravljate celo brez da bi se jo dotikali. Prav tako ne boste imeli več težav s prstnimi odtisi, kar pomeni manj čiščenja, saj vam nadzorne plošče ni treba več čistiti. Udobno za vsak dan, enostavno kot še nikoli. Dovolj je, da premaknete roko. Ko pa začutite potrebo po klasičnih rešitvah, uporabite standardno upravljanje s senzorji.
Slaba svetloba občutno otežuje delo v kuhinji. Podobno je z žarnicami, ki nenehno pregorevajo. Za popolno udobje so nape Amica opremljene s sodobnimi in okrasnimi LED trakovi, ki so izjemno trpežne in oddajajo svetlo, prijetno svetlobo. Izberite nape Amica in izkoristite najboljše rešitve!
Very often the air in the kitchen still needs to be cleared, even though the cooking or frying has finished. With the Automatic switch-off system you can specify how long the hood should run after you’ve finished preparing the meal, so that it can clear the air of any undesirable smells. And when it’s done, it turns off on its own. Now you can breathe easily, and savour the convenience.
Now, with the small installation depth, the hood will easily fit in a standard 30 cm cabinet. The installation does not require any extra and arduous carpentry work or remodelling of the kitchen furniture. Built-in kitchen hoods are convenient, functional, and perfect for those who have kitchen cabinet ranges.