• High efficiency

    High efficiency

  • Touchless® - Upravljanje s kretnjami

    Touchless® - Upravljanje s kretnjami

  • Trak LED

    Trak LED

Tehnični podatki


Accessories - Air flaps Yes BLDC motor Yes
Delay Yes High efficiency Yes Maximum time of delay 15 '
Panel - language version Pictograms Protection class of electric shock I_Class Low noise level No
SlimSize Yes Type of work Extraction/Recirculation


Gesture control Yes Number of carbon filters 2 Number of grease filters 1
Number of layers in grease filter 5 Number of speed 3 Type of control Sensor
Type of grease filters Aluminium frame Carbon filter type FWP 18

Tehnični podatki

Frequency 50 Air flow at 1 speed - extractor by EN 61591 336 m3/h Air flow at 2 speed - extractor by EN 61591 421 m3/h
Air flow at 3 speed - extractor by EN 61591 508 m3/h Air Flow at Maximum Speed in Normal Use [Intensive or Boost Excluded] 508 m3/h Air Flow at Minimum Speed in Normal Use 336 m3/h
Air Flow Rate at Best Efficiency Point - Q BEP 291.8 m3/h Letna poraba energije 61.4 kWh Average Illumination of the Lighting System on the Cooking Surface - E middle 167 lux
Container qty 40'HQ 782 Control panel on one side/two sides One side Dimensions of grease filter 492 x 162.5 mm black
Display color White Distance from light cover to wall 21 cm Distance to electric hob 45 cm
Distance to gas hob 65 cm Energy Efficiency Index - EEI hood 72.1 Učinkovitost pretoka zraka 20.7
Učinkovitost pretoka zraka C Grease Filtering Efficiency - GFE hood 76 % Razred učinkovitosti filtriranja maščob C
Gross volume 0.0855 m³ Internal/external motor Internal Main lighting colour temperature [K] 6500 Osvetlitev 20.6 lux/W Razred učinkovitosti osvetljevanja B Osvetlitev B Maximum Possible Air Flow 508.2 m3/h Motor unit rated power 150 W Motor type/model E series Net depth 29 cm Net height max 25.6 cm Net height min 25.6 cm Neto teža 7.8 kg Net width 55 cm Raven hrupa 59 dB Raven hrupa 61 dB Raven hrupa 63 dB Nominal Power of the Lighting System - W L 8.1 W Number of motor units 1 Number units of main lighting 1 Premer izpusta zraka 15 cm Type of plug or cable Euro plug Power Consumption in Standby Mode - Ps 0.42 W Power cabel length 120 cm Power rating 158 W Napajalna napetost 230V Power unit of main lighting 8 W Sound Power Emission at Maximum Speed Available in Normal Use [Intensive or Boost Excluded] 63 dB Sound Power Emission at Minimum Speed Available in Normal Use 59 dB Raven hrupa 63 dB Time Increase Factor - f 1.3 Type of main lighting LED strip

High efficiency High efficiency

Do your clothes, curtains and duvet covers smell of cooking? Not with our Amica cooking hoods! Our hoods are equipped with modern and highly efficient ventilation fans which completely eliminate cooking smells. Make your kitchen work convenient!

Touchless® - Upravljanje s kretnjami Touchless® - Upravljanje s kretnjami

Kdo pravi, da se morate dotikati nape, da bi upravljali z njo? Z dlanjo pred napo naredite določen gib in ta se bo zagnala sama! Ali želite spremeniti moč ventilatorja ali izklopiti osvetlitev? Naredite primeren gib! Z napo Amica upravljate celo brez da bi se jo dotikali. Prav tako ne boste imeli več težav s prstnimi odtisi, kar pomeni manj čiščenja, saj vam nadzorne plošče ni treba več čistiti. Udobno za vsak dan, enostavno kot še nikoli. Dovolj je, da premaknete roko. Ko pa začutite potrebo po klasičnih rešitvah, uporabite standardno upravljanje s senzorji.

  • Trak LED

    Trak LED

    Slaba svetloba občutno otežuje delo v kuhinji. Podobno je z žarnicami, ki nenehno pregorevajo. Za popolno udobje so nape Amica opremljene s sodobnimi in okrasnimi LED trakovi, ki so izjemno trpežne in oddajajo svetlo, prijetno svetlobo. Izberite nape Amica in izkoristite najboljše rešitve!

  • Delayed switch off

    Delayed switch off

    Very often the air in the kitchen still needs to be cleared, even though the cooking or frying has finished. With the Automatic switch-off system you can specify how long the hood should run after you’ve finished preparing the meal, so that it can clear the air of any undesirable smells. And when it’s done, it turns off on its own. Now you can breathe easily, and savour the convenience.

  • SlimSize


    Now, with the small installation depth, the hood will easily fit in a standard 30 cm cabinet. The installation does not require any extra and arduous carpentry work or remodelling of the kitchen furniture. Built-in kitchen hoods are convenient, functional, and perfect for those who have kitchen cabinet ranges.



Amica 2025