Improve the acoustic comfort in your home! The brushless SilentDrive motor reduces the running noise. This technology also means better durability which results in lower operating costs and longer engine life.
Amica appliances are so quiet that we cannot hear them. This is why a subtle red light cast on the floor by an LED, located low down the door, shows us the progress of the dishwashing programme. As it nears the end of the final cycle, the light begins to flash, before fading away. Now we know exactly when to unload the dishes.
Nobody likes paying their energy bills. Amica cares about our budget and the environment, so the dishwashers feature solutions that guarantee reduced power consumption, which means lower bills. The energy consumption savings of an E rated dishwasher are 10% greater than for an F rated dishwasher. This means up to 32 more washing cycles a year at the same power consumption level. Amica dishwashers are efficient all around! Cost-efficient and ecological washing in one!
Sodoben antibakterijski filter iz materiala, ki je derivat triazola, ne samo odstranjuje na njem usedajoče se patogene, pač pa predvsem otežuje njihovo razmnoževanje v notranjosti pomivalnega stroja. Ta rešitev tudi zmanjšuje nastajanje neprijetnih vonjav. Čista higiena, vgrajena v pomivalni stroj!
Choose a SlidingDoor dishwasher to provide more functionality to the kitchen with an incomparably better look and feel. The sliding door hinges make the furniture panel move smoothly when the dishwasher door opens. The kitchen range base panel under the dishwasher does not have to be cut to fit the machine, so no unsightly gaps are left after the installation. The kitchen range fronts will harmonise with the furniture panel on the dishwasher, and opening the machine’s door and dishwasher operation will be much more convenient.
If we care for the environment and our home budget, we are bound to appreciate dishwashers which need less water per cycle without compromising superior results. This means savings every time we use the dishwasher! Economical and ecological washing in one.
So many dishwashing settings to choose from... with Auto we do not need to remember which to use in a given situation! The dishwasher features a dedicated sensor which tests how dirty the wash water is and then adjusts the programme by choosing the optimum parameters and settings.
Need to quickly get the dishes perfectly clean? This programme is ideal for everyday quick washing and ensures a great result. The programme includes all the dishwashing cycles, such as soaking and drying, for really clean dishes in just 50 minutes!
Can’t fit everything inside? We can move the top rack up or down, giving us more space for large pots or for tall cups and glasses. Now we can move the rack even when it’s fully loaded!
Ta funkcija zagotavlja varnost doma v primeru okvare aparata. Samodejno zaustavi dotok vode, da prepreči poplavljenje vašega doma.
Začetek pomivanja lahko zamaknete za do 24 ur, da bo ustrezal vašemu urniku. Izkoristite lahko čas cenejše tarife električne energije in prihranite denar pri pomivanju posode.
Zaradi LED-prikazovalnika je čiščenje nadzorne plošče izredno preprosto. Poleg tega lahko na njem spremljate tudi čas kuhanja.
Želite pomiti posodo na hitro takoj po zajtrku? So se Vaši kozarčki po daljšem času neuporabe v omari zaprašili? Vedno kadar si želite osvežiti posodo ali odpraviti z nje rahlo umazanijo, uporabite kratek, 30-minutni program. Tako boste prihranili veliko časa in vode!
Convenience and hygiene thanks to perfectly dry dishes. The additional fan system forces air to circulate inside the dishwasher, ensuring more effective drying. TurboDrying gives perfectly dry and shiny dishes, even when using cold cycles, so that we get to avoid tedious drying with a teacloth, a perfect breeding ground for dangerous germs. It’s clean, hygienic and convenient!