Bi si radi občutno znižali račune? Odločite se za opremo zelo visokega energijskega razreda. Vaši računi bodo nižji, saj boste prihranili pri vsakem ciklu pomivanja. Pralni stroji energijskega razreda B porabijo kar 42 % manj energije kot pralni stroji razreda F, kar pomeni prihranek energije na ravni 104 pomivalnih ciklov letno. Vplivajte na svoje prihranke!
The latest brushless motor Silent Drive 3.0 features stepless speed control to dynamically match the water delivery pressure to the programme and load type. The result? Extremely silent and very efficient cycles, even for short programmes. The motor is brushless to save electrical energy and greatly extend the dishwasher life.
Poor washing results are left in the past! The innovative WaterSpinner 2.0 sprinkler, located above the top rack and complete with special deflectors on its spray arms, distributes the water with higher precision than before to reduce the washing times by 15%, to ensure quiet dishwashing and improve the washing results by up to 33%! WaterSpinner effectively washes away heavily dried dirt.
What if we wanted our dishes to be hygienically clean and shiny? It’s doable with SteamPower®, a system which applies hot steam at the end of the dishwashing cycle to reduce the bacteria on the dishes and inside the dishwasher, leaving everything shiny and perfectly dry.
OptiTime omogoča prilagoditi čas pomivanja Vašim potrebam. Skrajšajte čas cikla pomivanja, če želite prihraniti na času ali imate le rahlo umazano posodo. Kadar pa je posoda zelo umazana, podaljšajte program in se veselite popolnih rezultatov!
OpenDry pomeni konec brisanja neposušene posode! Samodejno nagnjena vrata po koncu pranja omogočajo, da se posoda hitro in naravno posuši. To je popolnoma varna rešitev - vlažen zrak, ki prihaja iz pomivalnega stroja, ima temperaturo maksimalno 40 °C, zato se ne bo kondenziral na pohištvu in ne bo povzročil nobene škode. To pomeni udobno uporabo in manjšo porabo energije.
Ko pomivalni stroj deluje, pametni indikator z modro lučko osvetljuje tla. Po koncu pomivanja lučka nekajkrat utripne, nato pa ugasne.
Noises from the kitchen are not always pleasant, especially if the kitchen is open to the living room. The dishwasher is lined with special sound-proofing mats on the inside and with the BLDC (brushless direct-current) motor, which is very silent running. That’s real comfort for our ears.
A third separate dishwasher rack with dedicated cutlery compartments, right at the top of the dishwasher to improve the ergonomics – no need to bend over just to get the cutlery. The dishwasher capacity is improved — no need for an extra cutlery holder in the bottom rack, so now we can wash more dishes in a single cycle and save more water and energy!
Sodoben antibakterijski filter iz materiala, ki je derivat triazola, ne samo odstranjuje na njem usedajoče se patogene, pač pa predvsem otežuje njihovo razmnoževanje v notranjosti pomivalnega stroja. Ta rešitev tudi zmanjšuje nastajanje neprijetnih vonjav. Čista higiena, vgrajena v pomivalni stroj!
Ever wondered how much electricity and water a dishwasher uses? Now with written information on the control panel, we can choose our dishwashing preferences. The display gives the approximate electricity and water consumptions for the selected programme and functions. It gives us the insight for an informed optimal choice and savings!
Any allergy sufferers or small children at home? The Hygiene programme heats the washing water to 70°C to ensure that even the dirtiest of dishes come out sparkling clean and free of dangerous germs. They are even clean under the lens of a microscope!
So many dishwashing settings to choose from... with Auto we do not need to remember which to use in a given situation! The dishwasher features a dedicated sensor which tests how dirty the wash water is and then adjusts the programme by choosing the optimum parameters and settings.
Need to get the dishes perfectly clean, quickly? This programme is ideal for quick washing and ensures a great result. The programme includes all the stages, such as soaking and drying, for really clean dishes in less than an hour!
What if we want the dishwasher to clean well in every cycle and last for many years? The AutoCleaning programme uses 70°C to disinfect the entire dishwasher (internal surfaces, filters and racks) while extending its operating life. Effortless and sterile cleaning, for many years.
Can’t fit everything inside? We can move the top rack up or down, giving us more space for large pots or for tall cups and glasses. Now we can move the rack even when it’s fully loaded!
Ta funkcija zagotavlja varnost doma v primeru okvare aparata. Samodejno zaustavi dotok vode, da prepreči poplavljenje vašega doma.
Zdaj lahko vklopite cikel pomivanja tudi, če je polna samo ena košara. S to funkcijo boste prihranili čas in denar.
Začetek pomivanja lahko zamaknete za do 24 ur, da bo ustrezal vašemu urniku. Izkoristite lahko čas cenejše tarife električne energije in prihranite denar pri pomivanju posode.