Do you happen to be a cooking enthusiast? The Amica gas hobs now feature even more space for bigger pots! Thanks to the new and improved design, the distance between the burners has been increased, even though the hob’s standard dimensions have remained unchanged. Thanks to this, not only can you now use larger cookware, but you can also use several large cookware pieces at a time. More space for better cooking comfort!
Having a party, and want to serve your favourite Asian meal, prepared in a WOK? Now, with the WOK burner, you can cook the meal to perfection. This burner has a triple flame and is ideal for preparing meals in large pots, frying pans and WOKs This solution makes your meals evenly fried and cooked, without the risk of burns, undercooking or losing nutrients. All you have to do now is savour the party.
Majave nosilne rešetke, ki se težko očistijo, so stvar preteklosti. Plinska kuhališča Amica so opremljena z novimi, močnimi in trdnimi litoželeznimi nosilnimi rešetkami, ki jih je mogoče pomiti v pomivalnem stroju. Ponev lahko potiskate po rešetkah, pa bodo te vseeno ostale na svojem mestu. Vrhunska in priročna zasnova za kuhinjo.
No more time and energy wasted on removing tough stains from the hob. Amica gas hobs are designed in such a way that means removing all stains takes only a moment. All thanks to the perfectly smooth surface made of high quality tempered glass. Savour the convenience!
Nič več ožganih prstov zaradi prižiganja gorilnika z vžigalicami ali slabo delujočimi vžigalniki za plin. S samodejnim vžigom z gumbom je prižiganje gorilnika povsem preprosto in priročno. Vse je mogoče postoriti kar z eno roko. Za vžig gorilnika zgolj pritisnete in obrnete gumb. Naj bo delo v kuhinji lažje in priročnejše.
Če gorilnik po nesreči ugasne, lahko postane nevarno. To pa ne drži pri kuhalnikih Amica, ki imajo poseben ventil za prekinitev dovoda plina. Varnost je na prvem mestu!