Products stored in the fridge stay fresh longer thanks to a special carbon filter. The filter purifies the air inside the fridge and reduces the compounds which contribute to food decomposition. Furthermore, the carbon in the filter absorbs unpleasant odours. Thanks to all that the air re-entering the cooler is clean and the unpleasant odours are gone.
Pametno hlajenje brez vlažnosti, zmrzali ali ledu. Ta tehnologija temelji na neprekinjenem kroženju hladnega zraka v hladilniku, ki preprečuje nastajanje ledu ali zmrzali v njegovi notranjosti. S tem odpravlja potrebo po odtaljevanju, živila pa ostanejo sveža dalj časa.
Your guests are waiting with their cocktails while you... are out of ice? Now have it within reach! Use the IceMaker - just turn the knob, and ice cubes fall out into a practical container. You can move it quickly and easily anywhere, to use the ice cubes at any time. Plus it is easy to keep clean, by design. Ready for action during hot days!
Ali hladilnik deluje preglasno? In verjetno porabi preveč energije? To zagotovo ni hladilnik Amica z inverterskim kompresorjem! Njegova posebna zasnova pomeni, da naprava porabi veliko manj energije, raven hrupa pa je minimalna. Tišje, ceneje, bolj ekološko!
Noisy fridges can be irritating, especially in the evening, or when the kitchen is connected to the living room. But this is no longer a problem! Amica fridges with the Quiet operation feature are designed to limit the noise generated by the mechanical elements. This solution ensures a better environment for everyone. Fewer decibels, better relaxation.
Who does not like appliances that are both stylish and essentially functional? Amica has introduced a sensor control system with your needs in mind! Intuitive and easy to use, the touchscreen control panel helps to precisely set the temperature. You can easily set different temperatures for the refrigerator and freezer compartments, as well as comfortably use other features. Stylish and ergonomic, a perfect combination!
No one likes high electricity bills. We need to choose the energy efficiency class wisely! Let us not forget that a fridge works non-stop - 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Each second of operation means potential savings for us! Reducing electricity consumption saves the environment.
Nihče ne mara visokih računov za električno energijo. Pečice Amica so opremljene s funkcijo Eco, ki zmanjša porabo energije in stroške. Pri tej funkciji se pečica izklopi pet minut pred koncem programa kuhanja, postopek kuhanja pa se dokonča s preostalo toploto. Poskrbite za družinski proračun.
Ta funkcija omogoča hitro ohlajevanje večjega števila izdelkov. S funkcijo SuperCool hrana v celoti ohrani okus, aromo in hranilno vrednost. Ko je nastavljena temperatura dosežena, se funkcija samodejno izklopi.
Takojšnje in učinkovito zamrzovanje, ki skrajša čas za zamrzovanje živil. Ko je nastavljena temperatura dosežena, se funkcija samodejno izklopi.
The fridge is so spacious... so why do some things not fit? This is no longer a problem, thanks to the FlexiShelf solution! Now when something does not fit, you can simply rearrange the space in the fridge to suit! Combine, move and remove shelves as required! Gain more space thanks to the flexible units. Now everything will fit!
Če so vrata hladilnika odprta več kot nekaj minut, se vklopi poseben zvočni signal, ki opominja, da jih je treba zapreti.
Pri šibki osvetlitvi je delo v kuhinji oteženo. Enako velja za žarnice, ki neprestano pregorevajo. Za lažjo uporabo so kuhinjske nape Amica opremljene z inovativnim energijsko varčnim sistemom LED-osvetlitve. LED-osvetlitev traja zelo dolgo ter oddaja močno in prijetno svetlobo, ki ne utruja oči. Izberite napo Amica in uživajte v najboljših rešitvah!
Nosilnost polic v hladilniku je do 100 kg. Imajo tudi rahlo privzdignjene robove, zaradi katerih morebitne polite tekočine ostanejo na polici in ne kapljajo po živilih na spodnjih policah.
Hladilniki imajo vrata z različnimi policami za kar najboljši izkoristek prostora.