• Amica BakingPro System®

    Amica BakingPro System®

  • LED-prikazovalnik


  • Emajlirane površine EasyClean

    Emajlirane površine EasyClean

Tehnični podatki


Amica BakingPro System® Yes Bottom heat 1100 W Additional function - Cleaning 3500W
Cleaning system Pyrolitic Closed top door strip Yes EasyClean enamel Yes
Even baking on many oven levels Yes HotAir circulation + bottom heat (pizza) 3200W HotAir circulation 2100 W
Additional function - Independent light Yes Number of oven cooking functions 12 Preset baking programmes 19
Preheating 3 Preheat time until 180°C 4 ' Rapid preheating in functions zone 3600W
Recipes on the door Yes Smell catalyst Yes Defrosting 60W Grill 1500 W Top and bottom heat + fan 2000 W Top heat + bottom heat (conventional) 2000 W
Top heat + grill + fan 2400 W Top heat 900W Type of heating Multifunctional Wide temperature range: 30°C-280°C yes


Cavity colour Black Door opening system Soft close Reflex glass No reflex
Deep tray (quantity) 1 Flat tray (quantity) 1 Number of telescopic guides 75% with stop function 1
Number of trays 2 Spacesaver / deep wire grid (quantity) 1 Side racks Standard
Size of the biggest baking tray (cm2) 1488 Telescopic guides =sum 1 Tray type Envelope

Tehnični podatki

Frequency 50 Spodnje gretje 1100 W Cavity dimensions - main (H x W x D, mm) 383 x 486 x 412
Connection cable colour White Connection type 1N~230 V Display color Red
EEI 81.6 Poraba pri konvencionalnem načinu (kWh) 0.99 kWh Poraba energije 0.99 kWh
Poraba pri segrevanju z ventilatorjem (kWh) 0.71 kWh Poraba energije 0.71 kWh Energy source Electricity
Grill power 1500 W Gross volume 0.3095 m³ Osvetlitev 25 W
Max temperature outside on oven door glass 50 °C Net depth 57 cm Net height 59.5 cm
Neto teža 39.15 kg Net width 59.5 cm Globina 56 cm
Višina 59.5 cm Širina 56 cm Raven hrupa <1 dB Number of baking levels 6 Number of cavities 1 Net oven capacity - main cavity 77 l Type of plug or cable Euro 3x0,75mm2 Position of connection cable inlet Top_Left Position Of Connection Cable Top Left Connection cable Power cord with plug Dolžina priključnega kabla 130 cm Napajalna napetost 230V Skupna moč 3.6 kW Okrogli grelec 2100 W Standby power consumption < 1 W Top heat + grill (supergrill) 2400 W Zgornje gretje 900 W

LED-prikazovalnik LED-prikazovalnik

Zaradi LED-prikazovalnika je čiščenje nadzorne plošče izredno preprosto. Poleg tega lahko na njem spremljate tudi čas kuhanja.

Emajlirane površine EasyClean Emajlirane površine EasyClean

Čiščenje pečice zagotovo ni nekaj, v čemer uživate. Za pomoč pri čiščenju je notranjost mikrovalovnih pečic Amica prevlečena s posebnim emajlom Easy Clean, ki je povsem brez luknjic ali vdolbin, kar preprečuje zbiranje umazanije in maščobe. Čiščenje pečice s tem postane zelo preprosto. Olajšajte si življenje in ne zapravljajte preveč časa s čiščenjem. Preživite ga raje z družino in prijatelji, ali pa se ukvarjajte s tistim, kar vas zanima.

  • Samočiščenje: čiščenje s pirolizo

    Samočiščenje: čiščenje s pirolizo

    Čiščenje umazane pečice je dolgočasno in zamudno, vendar zdaj lahko pozabite nanj! Samočiščenje pečice poteka brez čistilnih sredstev in je samodejno, učinkovito in zaradi posebnih zaščitnih funkcij vrat tudi popolnoma varno. Pečica se segreje na 480 °C, kar uniči vse madeže, celo trdovratne mastne madeže. S čiščenjem s pirolizo se lahko povsem izognete ročnemu čiščenju pečice. Za čistila vam ni treba porabiti niti centa, pa še dragoceni čas prihranite. Pustite čisti užitek v svoje kuhinjsko delo.

  • Katalizator vonja

    Katalizator vonja

    Ta najnovejša tehnološka rešitev zmanjša oddajanje vonjav. Katalizator je nameščen v odsesovalnem kanalu nape in pomaga zmanjšati količino vonjav, ki nastajajo pri kuhanju, vključno z ostrim vonjem zažgane hrane. Okolje v vaši kuhinji bo tako dišalo po svežem in čistem.

  • Preheating in 3 minutes

    Preheating in 3 minutes

    Are you in a constant rush, and have no time for anything? This function preheats the oven quickly to the desired temperature. The temperature inside the oven reaches 150°C in just 3 minutes! It can be turned on some time before we put anything in, so we can be sure everything is done on time!

  • Wide temperature range: 30°C - 280°C

    Wide temperature range: 30°C - 280°C

    A universal guide to preparing your meals is invaluable. That’s why we’re offering a Wide range of temperatures which gives you versatility in cooking, and allows you to prepare the meals quickly. 30⁰C is the ideal temperature for rising yeast dough. 40-50⁰C is perfect for defrosting meat. At 200⁰C you can quickly bake puff pastry, and your favourite pizza at 280⁰C. Savour the convenience!

  • Even baking on many oven levels

    Even baking on many oven levels

    The revised oven design provides perfectly uniform distribution of the heat throughout the oven. You can now make large numbers of pastries, and be sure that all will be evenly brown and done. This high-volume oven can make over 100 muffins at a time! You can also easily dry mushrooms and fruit, or bake on many oven levels at the same time.

  • 35°C Cool front

    35°C Cool front

    Does touching the door of a working oven mean you will burn your hands? Not with Amica ovens, with the pane temperature never over 35°C! The appliances are equipped with a special ventilation channel system which, combined with the cooling fan, ensures a continuous flow of cool air between the door panes. The low temperature on the outer pane allows you to closely watch the meal, without any risk of burns!

  • Telescopic guides with STOP function

    Telescopic guides with STOP function

    When removing a hot tray, it is easy to drop it and get burnt. But not with Amica ovens! All thanks to the guides which feature special bumps that slow the tray down when it is inserted or removed. You can even insert or remove a very hot and heavily loaded tray safely, and without the risk of burns.

  • Prednastavljeni programi za pečenje

    Prednastavljeni programi za pečenje

    Tako privarčujete dragoceni čas. Prednastavljene programe pečenja smo pripravili v sodelovanju s kuharskimi mojstri. Zlahka pripravite katero koli jed, ne da bi si morali beliti glavo s tem, koliko časa se mora jed peči in kolikšna temperatura je primerna za to vrsto in količino živil. Namesto vas to opravi pečica – rezultat pa je vedno odličen!



Amica 2025